The Archaeology of the Gorge Waterway. Part 3

Portage Inlet Here I include the location of an old Xwsepsum village, once located at Maple Point near the entrance way to Portage Inlet. This archaeological site, DcRu-4, includes the area of Xwsepsum Park, the grounds of the Historic Craigflower school and the south end of the new Craigflower school west of Admirals Road. Two major archaeological excavations were undertaken here, James Deans, who worked in this area in 1853, noted that DcRu-4, was a previous village. He worked on the McKenzie farm with the Xwsepsum chief and other members of the Xwsepsum band, which is the likely source of his information. Jimmy Fraser, who was the grandson of the Chealathack, recognized as a chief of the Songhees during the … Continue reading “The Archaeology of the Gorge Waterway. Part 3”

The Archaeology of the Gorge Waterway. Part 2.

Resources of the Gorge We know that the Gorge must have provided a wealth of resources for the Lək̓ʷəŋən peoples. In 1843 James Douglas noted that the Gorge provided excellent fishing resources. Coho and some Chum salmon ran up the Gorge with the greatest numbers being present in June. Large herring runs came in April and trout were caught by Lək̓ʷəŋən peoples all winter with weir and basket traps on what Douglas called the “Gorge river”. This could refer either to Colquitz creek or the narrow Gorge Falls area of the inlet. Although there are no historic observations of traps in place, it is likely that similar traps were used at a few narrow locations along the Gorge (Figure 1). … Continue reading “The Archaeology of the Gorge Waterway. Part 2.”

Camossung. Bridging two Worlds

Introduction The Gorge Waterway is a special place in the tradition and economy of the Indigenous Lək̓ʷəŋən people of Greater Victoria. The Gorge reversing falls were the focus a special creation story for the Lək̓ʷəŋən, but also became a special place of celebration for the European populations that infiltrated into their territory. It is a story of transition between interconnected worlds with a moral that is aimed at bringing about a better world. A theme of preservation that transgresses time. The legend of this beautiful spot produced the first name “Fort Camosun” used by both the Indigenous Lək̓ʷəŋən peoples and fur traders (see appendix 2). Today it provides the name of Camosun College and Camosun Street. In the Lək̓ʷəŋən tradition, … Continue reading “Camossung. Bridging two Worlds”

The Archaeology of the Gorge Waterway of Greater Victoria

Part 1. The changing Landscape and Victoria Harbour to Selkirk Waters. The Changing Landscape Twenty-one thousand years ago the Gorge Waterway, Victoria Harbour and all the beaches around Victoria were all deep underwater. This was caused by the glaciers pushing the land down as they approached the Victoria Region (Miskelly 2012; Clague 1983). The land rebounded to 14 meters above the present sea level by Thirteen thousand years ago (Keddie 2019). By 11.200 years ago the land continued to rebounded and the Gorge appeared for a short period of around 1,000 to 2000 years as an ocean inlet. As the land continued to rebound, the upper Gorge became dry land by 9200 years ago. The Gorge and Victoria Harbour became … Continue reading “The Archaeology of the Gorge Waterway of Greater Victoria”

California Condor in British Columbia

In 1969, I was part of the Simon Fraser Universities first Archaeological field school camped in the remote Kwatna Inlet. As I read every word of both volumes of Thomas McIlwrath’s classic study of the Nuxalk people of the Bella Coola Region (McIlwraith 1948), I wondered if those large birds mentioned in the mythology could be based on earlier occurrences of the California Condor or even an earlier relative of the Condor. I knew a few Condors had been sighted in British Columbia in the late 19th century (Fannin 1891; Rhodes 1893), but some biologists had suggested that these were extremely rare migrants from the south. At that time, no Condor bones had been found in British Columbia. But this … Continue reading “California Condor in British Columbia”

W̱SÁNEĆ (Saanich) Fishing Camps on the Goldstream River Delta

Introduction A period of Destruction and Realignment The W̱SÁNEĆ, Tommy Paul, referred to an epidemic that devastated his people six generation before him: “That terrible sickness. It is true. It belongs to the story of my Chilangwin” (Lugrin 1931). Elders told the story of “Kwalarhunzit” who began his training as a warrior at 13 years of age after “a terrible epidemic of smallpox had just decimated the Saanich Indians and crippled their resistance to the raids of their enemies. …His first fight was against some southern natives who were visiting relatives at the big settlement near Sidney”. At this time there was a village of people on Mayne Island who invited Kwalarhunzit to a deer hunt but ended up fighting … Continue reading “W̱SÁNEĆ (Saanich) Fishing Camps on the Goldstream River Delta”

Butchering Sea Lions with Stone Tools

Preface “Carcass butchery is a culturally mediated behavior that reflects the technological, social, economic and ecological factors that influence human diet and foodways. Butchery behavior can thus reveal a great deal about the lives of past peoples” (Egeland et. al. 2024). Egeland., examined 236 studies on butchery, published between 1860 and 2021, to observe trends. This involved both studies that involved the reconstruction of ethological knowledge and archaeological evidence. The majority of these were undertaken on large bovids. The authors were interested in making recommendations for future studies. They note that one should look for evidence such as: “cut mark frequences on carcasses of different body sizes and taxon”. Part of this study looked at factors such as what … Continue reading “Butchering Sea Lions with Stone Tools”

Photographs of an Elderly Indigenous Couple

Introduction Interpreting older Indigenous photographs can be a confusing problem for those not familiar with the history of photographers and the history of the collections in which they eventually end up. The same photographs are often given different information in different archives and in different publications. In the early 20th century, a common stereotype of older Indigenous people was for journalists to exaggerate their age. They were sometimes wrapped in blankets when photographed to cover-up the European style clothes they are wearing. They are often mistakenly presented in photographs as being over 100 years of age. I have the advantage over journalists of the past, in having easier access to examine baptism, birth, marriage and death records from church and … Continue reading “Photographs of an Elderly Indigenous Couple”

A lək̓ʷəŋən Burial Island

Halket or Deadman’s Island (Please respect this special location and view it only from a distance). On southern Vancouver Island it was common for, at least some, Indigenous families to place their dead, on small Islands. In historic, or post contact times, burials were placed on these islands in boxes, canoes or small shed-like structures. It is unknown how far back in time this practice extends. Underground burials were common before 1000 years ago. One of these burial Islands, known to be used in the 19th century, was Halket Island in the Selkirk Waters above Victoria’s upper harbour. It is located north of the Point Ellice Bridge (Bay Street), between the foot bridge (old CN Railway trestle Bridge) on the … Continue reading “A lək̓ʷəŋən Burial Island”

Indigenous Canoe Racing on the Gorge Waterway

Preface Here I will provide a brief overview of historic mid 19th to mid 20th century Indigenous canoe races in the Gorge Waterway. I will also include an appendix with an Indigenous canoe related story, reported in 1936, to make it more accessible for students. Indigenous stories on the southern coast of British Columbia often included explanations of how physical objects such as nets and spears were first given to them and how people gained the knowledge about how to use them. One of those stories involved the discovery of adze blades and their use in canoe making and the supernatural prerogatives involved. It was recorded by Beryl Cryer (1889-1980), who acquired many Indigenous stories, many of which came from … Continue reading “Indigenous Canoe Racing on the Gorge Waterway”