A Tsunami Spear Point

Polynesia to British Columbia By Grant Keddie. Introduction In 1972, I observed the pointed distal end of a broken wooded spear in the collection of the Royal B.C. Museum. Based on its general shape and design patterns, it appeared to be of Pacific Island origin. The wood was most like the Pacific hardwoods Calophyllum inophyllum or Acasia koa. At first, I assumed the artifact must have been buried with some more recent historic debris, but after observing the accession records and talking to the finder, a different picture began to emerge. It was found buried in Tsunami deposits in the Port Renfrew area on the west coast of Vancouver Island. This makes it the first known pre-contact Polynesian artifact found … Continue reading “A Tsunami Spear Point”

A History of Royal Bay. In the City of Colwood

By Grant Keddie. April 28, 2020. Introduction Twenty one thousand years ago a glacier that advanced from the north into Saanich Inlet melted away into a large fresh water lake. The lake burst through to the south sending millions of tons of sands and gravels across the landscape creating what is known as the Colwood Delta. Buried in the upper portions of this delta were the remains of a 20,000 year old mammoth. Over the last 100 years these sands and gravels have been largely removed and used to create the buildings and roads of the region. The community of Royal Bay has now immerged from the base of this ancient Delta. The Human History The landscape in the Royal … Continue reading “A History of Royal Bay. In the City of Colwood”


1998. By Grant Keddie INTRODUCTION They assume fantastic and complex forms. They look like an exotic fossil, an animal carved by an ancient artist or something from another planet. One of the most common items that arouse excitement in people, and which are brought frequently to Museums for identification, are sedimentary stone structures called concretions. They are widespread and found in a great variety of unusual shapes – that range in size from a garden pea to giant spheroidal balls three meters in diameter. The joining or inter-growth of several elongate or disc shaped concretions often produce a kind of symmetry which, to the untrained eye, suggests they must have been made by human hands. Concretions are natural objects which … Continue reading “Concretions”