
I am retired after having been the Curator of Archaeology at the Royal B.C. Museum for 50 years from 1972-2022. The activities of my museum job have involved all aspects of research, collections, public programming and field work throughout British Columbia. I have provided close to 2000 talks/discussions throughout the province which have included everything from behind-the-scenes discussion/presentations with Indigenous groups, tool technology demonstrations at schools, parks, Indigenous reserves and cultural centres, public talks from elementary to university classes and numerous T.V., radio and newspaper interviews.

My main objective has always been to enhance the Indigenous cultures of British Columbia in the minds of the public.

I have a wide range of interests related to British Columbia Archaeology, Indigenous and non-Indigenous history, Palaeontology and Natural History, which are reflected in the articles seen on this web site.

I have been a social activist in human rights, the environment, community involvement, natural history and cultural organizations much of my life. In 2013, I received a Vision Award: “For his outstanding contribution to the positive vision of the Victoria West neighbourhood”. Also, in 2013, I received the Queen Elizabeth II diamond Jubilee Medal: “in recognition of your contribution to Canada”.

My future “retirement” plans will be to continue my social involvement and write many more articles on a diversity of subjects for this web site – and to stay alive long enough to do so.