Resources of the Gorge We know that the Gorge must have provided a wealth of resources for the Lək̓ʷəŋən peoples. In 1843 James Douglas noted that the Gorge provided excellent fishing resources. Coho and some Chum salmon ran up the Gorge with the greatest numbers being present in June. Large herring runs came in April and trout were caught by Lək̓ʷəŋən peoples all winter with weir and basket traps on what Douglas called the “Gorge river”. This could refer either to Colquitz creek or the narrow Gorge Falls area of the inlet. Although there are no historic observations of traps in place, it is likely that similar traps were used at a few narrow locations along the Gorge (Figure 1). … Continue reading “The Archaeology of the Gorge Waterway. Part 2.”