An Archer’s Wrist Guard

Originally published in The Midden, 42(1-2), 12-13. 2010. By Grant Keddie This unique artifact from the collection of the Royal B.C. Museum has never been identified. The 8cm by 21 cm object is made from a thin one-centimetre piece of whalebone. Dr. Charles Newcombe found the artifact (DcRu-32:22) in 1914, during the construction of the Ogden Point breakwater at the entrance to Victoria’s Outer harbour. An archaeological shell midden (DcRu32), which now lies buried under Dallas Road, was once the location of a small village site at the head of the now filled in Ogden Bay. The small assemble of artifacts, which includes bone tools made using an iron file, and the lack of any oral tradition or other historic … Continue reading “An Archer’s Wrist Guard”